Frequently Asked Questions

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Can these be programmed to change colors automatically like Scenes in Phillips Hue?

You can find the scene button on device control panel, you can use the preset scenes provided and you can also create your own custom scenes. 

Set up Schedule

After you connect your device to our App, at the bottom of each device's control panel, you will find the schedule function.  

Add a new member

1. Create a new account for your new family member, please note that this account should be registered in the same region as your account.

Change name

To rename the device, at the top right corner of the device's control panel, click "..." , then choose "Modify Device Name". 

Regular Members

If you receive the following message, it means the server hasn't loaded successfully:

How to add a smart plug?

How to add a smart plug 1. Add the device and select the device Type.